The conference invites submissions of extended abstracts and/or posters in particular by:
- academic researchers
- policy makers (including research councils and funding agencies) and
- representatives from research support services.
Extended abstracts and/or posters
The call asks for policy-oriented academic and practice-oriented contributions (extended abstracts and/or posters) addressing one of the three major thematic pillars of the conference:
- Valuation Pathways
- Structures & Policies
- Assessing Impact
Please find here a concept note for inspiring your contributions and discussions during the Conference.
All received contributions (extended abstracts, posters) will be peer reviewed and selected by the members of the Scientific Committee.
Extended abstracts: The contributors of the around 24 selected extended abstracts (around 5 pages) will be invited to prepare a full-fledged presentation in one of the thematic sessions of the conference. They are also invited to submit a full paper which will be printed in the conference proceedings. However, the submission of a full paper is not mandatory and does not affect the presentation.
Posters: The best three posters will be honoured with a recognition award at the end of the conference. A sub-group of the Scientific Committee will assess and select the best three posters. The prizes will be donated by the Centre for Social Innovation (ZSI).
Prize for the best poster: € 1,000
Prize for the 2nd best poster: € 500
Prize for the 3rd best poster: € 250
Timetable for the call for extended abstracts and posters:
1 March 2018: Publication of the call for extended abstracts and posters
17 June 2018: Submission deadline
17 July 2018: Selection deadline and invitation of full papers and posters
31 October 2018: Submission of full papers and posters for the conference proceedings
The conference looks for policy-oriented academic and practice-oriented contributions which fit into the three pillars of the conference, “Valuation Pathways”, “Structures & Policies” and “Assessing Impact”:
- Valuation narratives, theories of change and impact generation within genuine SSH research: Expected are academic and practice-based contributions on valuation narratives, theories of change and impact generation within genuine (trans-disciplinary) SSH research with a focus on the social subsystems ‘Culture’, ‘State’, and ‘Market’ (Pillar 1: Valuation);
- Added value creation by involving SSH in inter-disciplinary projects driven primarily by other disciplines: Expected are academic and practical contributions on added value creation by involving SSH in inter-disciplinary projects driven primarily by other disciplines (primarily engineering and technology-oriented research) and on how such contributions are perceived and which obstacles have to be removed (Pillar 1: Valuation);
- Impact generating processes and methods in SSH research: Expected are academic and practical contributions on impact generating processes and methods in SSH research to increase relevance, outcome and impact in the phases of knowledge production (e.g. co-design and co-creation; inter- and trans-disciplinary approaches; citizen science;), knowledge dissemination (e.g. tailor-made transfer mechanisms and formats; media engagement) and knowledge usage (e.g. social innovation; research; integrated road mapping; service engineering etc.) with all their particular challenging aspects;
- Reflecting different judgments on the value-for-society of SSH and arts-based research caught between ‘action’ and ‘reflection’: Expected are academic and policy-oriented contributions which reflect different judgments on the value-for-society of SSH and arts-based research caught between ‘action’ and ‘reflection’, i.e. the commitment to do research for the good of society by producing usable (instrumental) results and the intention to rather raise awareness and influence society to create capabilities of self-understanding in different contexts (Pillar 1: Valuation);
- Support structures, policy-delivery formats and policies which support the valuation, outcome and impact generation of SSH research: Expected are conceptual and practice-oriented contributions on dedicated (established, innovative or experimental) support structures, policy-delivery formats and policies to support the valuation, outcome and impact generation of SSH research at various levels (e.g. project-level, institutional level, R&I policy-making level) (Pillar 2: Structures & policies);
- Re-design of existing support structures and policies: Expected are conceptual policy- and practice-oriented contributions on how to re-design existing support structures and policies, which were initially created for technology development and engineering sciences, to support better opportunities for participation and public engagement (Pillar 2: Structures & policies);
- Integration of SSH research the forthcoming European Framework Programme: Expected are theoretical contributions and policy-oriented think-pieces on how SSH research can better contribute to selected clusters, societal challenges, areas of intervention and missions in the forthcoming European Framework Programme for R&I (Pillar 1: Valuation and Pillar 2: Structures & policies);
- Taking-up and scaling-up SSH pathways and impact dimensions in research programmes, research calls for proposals and projects: Expected are theoretical, conceptual policy- and practice-oriented contributions on how to better take-up and scale-up SSH pathways and impact dimensions in research programmes, research calls for proposals and projects (Pillar 2: Structures & policies);
- Tracing, assessing and measuring the use and impact of SSH research activities and results: Expected are academic policy- and practice-oriented contributions to tracing, assessing and measuring the use and impact of SSH research activities and results beyond the traditional focus on self-referential scientific impacts (Pillar 3: Assessing Impact);
- Intended and non-intended societal impacts, structuring impacts on policy-making and policies: Expected are specific measurement and evaluation approaches and methodologies to capture intended and non-intended societal impacts, structuring impacts on policy-making and policies (i.e. political impact) as well as impacts on innovation and economy (Pillar 3: Assessing Impact);
Additional remarks
- It is possible to submit
- an extended abstract, or
- a poster, or
- an extended abstract and a poster.
- Contributions can touch one or more above listed themes and conference pillars.
- Especially the posters should show inspiring practices, but can and should also discuss negative outcomes and impacts of SSH and arts-based research results.
- Please be aware that this is a European policy-oriented conference. Thus, policy-relevant contributions, also from non-academic authors, are highly welcomed!
The extended abstracts should be up to 5 pages (font size: 11pt, 1.5 line spacing, .docx and/or .pdf format). The extended abstract should concisely inform about
- the object and purpose of the presented policy/measure/evaluation/research
- the novelty (policy design, approach, methodology)
- the results (if already available)
Each extended abstract should include a very short abstract at the beginning, relevant references/literature and information about author/co-authors (including surname/first name, affiliation, email address). Please indicate up to six keywords and which conference theme/s and pillar/s are mainly addressed.
The posters should be presented on one page (format DIN A0). The following information should be included:
- author/co-authors (including surname/first name, affiliation, email address),
- abstract/poster title and (up to six) keywords,
- conference theme/s and pillar/s which are mainly addressed.
The contributions (extended abstracts, posters) should be sent to ecker@zsi.at.
Contact persons
Ms. Berenike Ecker: ecker@zsi.at; 0043-1-4950442-38
Mr. Klaus Schuch: schuch@zsi.at