The purpose of the conference is to bring valuation and impact contributions of SSH research to transformative, mission- and challenges-oriented national and European research and innovation agendas to the forefront, to openly reflect and structurally discuss the topic in order to make it visible, debatable, verifiable and usable!
The conference will in particular focus on two aspects:
- SSH-contribution to ‘Horizon Europe‘ (Day 1), the next European research framework programme and
- Impact of SSH research (Day 2).
Programme of the day 1 (28 November 2018)
The first day of the conference emphasises the public value of Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) and their contributions to the next European research framework programme ‘Horizon Europe’ (2021-2027). ‘Horizon Europe’ will be organised in three pillars: Open Science, Global Challenges and Open Innovation.
The conference will focus on Pillar 2 of Horizon Europe: ‘Global Challenges and Industrial Competitiveness’ and how SSH can contribute to it. The Global Challenges-Pillar is structured along five thematic clusters. These five thematic clusters will also serve as structure for parallel sessions on “Health”, “Inclusive and Secure Society”, “Digital and Industry”, “Climate, Energy and Mobility” and “Food and natural resources”. The parallel session on the SSH-intensive Cluster “Inclusive and Secure Society” will focus entirely on the “Secure”-aspect. A separate plenary session will afterwards focus on the “Inclusive”-aspect. During the day the SSH-research community will discuss, show and explain how SSH will contribute to these five clusters and how SSH makes research in these areas more beneficial to society.
The conference takes initiative and creates first-mover advantage to shape the involvement of SSH in the five clusters.
Programme of the day 2 (29 November 2018)
The second day of the conference will see inspiring discussions on how SSH-contributions to transformative research agendas can be operationalised in day-to-day-activities of individual researchers, institutions and policy makers and how impact of SSH research can be conceived, supported and assessed.
The Thematic Paper Sessions will show diverse and innovative research and policy examples in three sections:
- Identify valuation pathways and impact generating processes within SSH and arts-based research as well as within inter- and trans-disciplinary research.
- Learn from structures, instruments and policies which are beneficial for an impact-orientation of SSH research at project-level, institutional level, and R&I policy-making level.
- Make a contribution to tracing and assessing the use and impact of R&D activities from the field of SSH and arts-based research.
A pdf version of the programme is available here.
Programme overview – Wednesday, November 28, 2018:
as of 08:00 |
Austrian Presidency RTI Trailer* |
09:00-09:15 |
Welcome address by Council Presidency:
Heinz FASSMANN, Federal Minister, BMBWF – Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research |
Main room K |
09:15-09:30 |
Welcome address and key-note by European Commission:
Wolfgang BURTSCHER, Deputy Director General, EC – European Commission, DG Research and Innovation |
Main room K |
09:30-09:45 |
Welcome address by the Conference Organisers:
Ulrike FELT, Vice-Chair Scientific Committee, UNI VIE – University of Vienna |
Main room K |
09:45-10:15 |
Key note 1: The public value of SSH
John BREWER, Queen’s University, Senator George J Mitchell Institute for Global Peace, Security and Justice |
Main room K |
10:15-11:00 |
Panel 1: Impact re-loaded: How to valuate SSH in the context of societal transformation
Moderator: Katja MAYER, ZSI – Centre for Social Innovation Panellists:
Main room K |
11:00-11:45 | Coffee break | Foyer K |
11:45-13:15 |
5 parallel sessions on Horizon Europe
Contributions of SSH to Clusters: (1) “Health”
(2) “Food and natural resources”
(4) “Climate, Energy and Mobility”
(5) “Inclusive and Secure Society” – focus “Secure Society”
Breakout room G1
Breakout room G2
Main room K
Breakout room B1
Breakout room B2 |
13:15-14:15 | Lunch break | Hall X2 |
14:15-15.15 |
Horizon Europe
Contributions of SSH to the topic “Inclusive and Secure Society” – focus “Inclusive Society”
Main room K |
15:15-15:45 |
Key note 2: The role of the Humanities in an innovative, sustainable, and responsible society Ineke SLUITER, KNAW – Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, LEI – Leiden University |
Main room K |
15:45-16:15 |
Award of the best poster and the best video
Klaus SCHUCH, ZSI – Centre for Social Innovation |
Main room K |
16:15-16:45 | Coffee break | |
16:45-17:45 |
4 parallel activities and sessions
Foyer K Breakout room G1
Main room K
Breakout room B2 |
18:00-21:30 | Bus transfer to the town hall (Rathaus) of Vienna
Dinner at the restaurant “Rathauskeller” (located in the city hall; dinner starts at 7pm; only for attending participants who also registered for the dinner)
Dinner speech: Thinking beyond the horizon: Social Science and Humanities in contemporary research and policy timescapes Ulrike FELT, University of Vienna |
City hall |
Elke DALL, ZSI – Centre for Social Innovation
* The short film was produced by the agency GGK Mullenlowe, commissioned by and in cooperation with the Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft FFG (Austrian Research Promotion Agency) and the FFG’s contracting authorities for supporting Austria’s performance in Horizon 2020.
In the fully accessible version of the trailer, an avatar translates the information into sign language. This version of the film was supplied by “SignTime”, an Austrian enterprise which developed the avatar using national funds (FFG base funding) and, building on this, a project in the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation “Horizon 2020”.
Programme overview – Thursday, November 29, 2018:
as of 08:00 | Registration | |
09:00-09:30 |
Key note 3: Brokers and boundary-spanners: social sciences in the new research landscape
James WILSDON, UOS – University of Sheffield |
Main room K |
09:30-10:45 |
5 parallel paper sessions
Breakout room G1 Main room K Breakout room G2 Breakout room B1 Breakout room B2 |
10:45-11:15 | Coffee break | Foyer K |
11:15-12:30 |
Continuation of 3 parallel paper sessions
2 parallel paper sessions |
Breakout room G1 Main room K Breakout room G2
Breakout room B1 Breakout room B2 |
12:30-13:30 | Lunch break | Hall X2 |
13:30-14:30 |
Panel 2: Which policies and instruments are needed to facilitate impacts of SSH in transformative science approaches?
Moderator: Matthias REITER-PÁZMÁNDY, BMBWF – Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research Panellists:
Main room K |
14:30-15:45 |
4 parallel Working Groups (WG)
Breakout room G2 Breakout room B1 Breakout room G1 Breakout room B2 |
15:45-16:15 | Coffee break | Foyer K |
16:15-16:45 |
Take-away messages from the parallel workshops
Moderator: Elke DALL Rapporteurs:
Main room K |
16:45-17:45 |
Panel 3: How to make better use of SSH in Horizon Europe?
Moderator: Thomas KÖNIG, IHS – Institute for Advanced Studies Panellists:
Main room K |
17:45-18:00 |
Farewell Matthias REITER-PÁZMÁNDY, BMBWF – Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research |
Main room K |
Elke DALL, ZSI – Centre for Social Innovation
Matthias REITER-PÁZMÁNDY, BMBWF – Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research